Sunday, June 17, 2012

My computer is back!

Will wonders never 1:00 am Copenhagen time, I was able to go down to the hotel desk and purchase an adapter so that my American computer can plug in to the European outlet (for the small price of 50 Kroner)!  That makes me feel better so I can write all night!  I did make it until 8:00 pm last night, but I woke up at 12:00am completely bright eyed and ready to go.  Thus, the long blog writing...

Back to the museum...the art was truly beautiful.  My favorite Degas sculpture was a woman lying on her side with a midwife holding her leg while she was in labor.  Timeless.  The landscapes and portraits were inspiring also, especially the Danish sea and countryside.  I was thrilled with a 200 year old painting of a woman and man outside on their farm, with a title something like, Taking a Sunday Break.  She is standing in the yard knitting!  (Speaking of knitting, I now have almost 2 inches completed on the doll dress...250 sts on size 2 needles...that is an accomplishment!)

After the museum, we walked down to the canals.  Most of the group took a canal tour, but I decided to go off on my own exploring the city.  It really is the only way to get to know a place.  I walked for over an hour following whatever attracted my attention; church spires, shops, and enticing little sidestreets.  It is amazing that if you don't know where you are, you really can't get lost! 

By now, my legs were like rubber and my head was dizzy with lack of sleep and constant walking.  You don't even want to know how bad my feet hurt.  I decided to head back to the hotel to check in and have a cup of tea.  The room is great.  Their slogan is "Everything you need to sleep".  I love that!  It is very true.  The best part is the bathroom which is a shower/sink/toilet combo.  All one room but different faucets for the sink and shower.  So efficient!  I had to run out to the 7/11 to buy some "digestive biscuits" ,or cookies, for tea.  I stopped in at a tiny grocery owned by a sweet old man and his wife.  I was looking for a real mug (no self-respecting tea drinker can drink tea from a styrofoam cup) but the man didn't speak English.  He did understand the universal sign for tea cup though and produced a very functional gray tea mug for 10 K. 

After a refreshing shower, I was ready to head back out with the group for a perfect dinner of Swarma, fries and cola from a Middle Eastern deli.  (I am eating good, Mom:)

I really am going to try to go back to sleep now, since tomorrow will be a busy day.  I honestly have no idea what time it is as my computer and phone are very confused.  The computer says 7:45pm and the phone says 11:45pm.  I am almost certain it is really 1:45am.  Hmmm.  We are up for breakfast at the hotel in the morning and then off to a bridge and a school.  I will post more on that tomorrow.


  1. This looks terrific, Stephanie! I crashed at 8:30 and woke up at 4:30 with the sun coming through the window.

  2. Steph,
    I am glad you are having a wonderful time! It sounds so amazing :)
    Michelle D
