Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Denmark Day 4

The day is not really over yet, but I am posting early tonight since we are planning to go out to visit a pub later.  That is an "out of my comfort zone" activity since I usually prefer to stay home and knit or read:)  I think it is a cultural experience I need to have, though. 

This morning we went to a science camp similar to our science museums.  Schools take field trips there to teach the children science in a hands on way.  I wish I could take my boys...they would love getting flushed down the huge toilet!  After you are flushed, you get to walk through the sewers and meet up with rats and spiders, etc.  You feel in holes in the wall to see if they are items that are alright to flush.  One hole held a diaper and another had false teeth.  You know how kids love to flush the toilet!  We also got to ride an electric bicycle.  Denmark is very serious about fuel and energy issues, so most people ride bicycles if they are not traveling too far.  There is a bike lane on every road and they are full.  You really have to be careful not to get run over by bicycles.  This new electric bike will allow people to travel farther and arrive less "sweaty".  I did get to try one out...what a rush!

After the science camp, we were free to roam the city again.  I went with a group to find the yarn shop and the library.  Somehow we ended up shopping for souvenirs and then we got separated.  I did find the yarn shop but I liked the one in Roskilde better.  I never found the library but I happen upon a used bookstore/coffee house.  That was marvelous I tell you...I found a 1956 Copenhagen printing of Hans Christian Andersen (in English) and a Little House in the Prairie copy in Danish!  I ordered a latte and enjoyed a moment with my new books.

For dinner, I picked up a fantastic sausage from the hot dog vendor.  The mustard and onions made perfect condiments.  I've come back to the room to clean up, then back out in the sunshine.  Today has been beautiful!


  1. Sounds like you have a great time! I enjoy reading your posts each night after I get the kids in bed and the dishes finished. It helps me live vicariously through your experiences.
    The renewable energy is very interesting. I would guess that not as many Danish politicians get lobbied by Big Oil.
    Also, if I remember right, in the Little Mermaid, every step she took on land felt like she was walking on broken glass. Disney left that out too, huh?
    I keep having trouble posting comments on my phone, so please know that even though I'm not commenting, I'm reading every day! I am on the desktop now, just so I could comment to you.
